Privacy Policy

At Swift Llama Software we put user privacy first: we collect the minimum amount of user data possible and do not monetize your private information at all.

Data collected in the JemDrive application

Using JemDrive without an account

If you do not create a JemDrive account in the app then none of your data is collected or processed by the JemDrive application, period.

Using JemDrive with a JemDrive account

If you create an account, the following information will be collected and stored:

  • your email address: your email address is used as your account identifier, as well as to send you emails related to your account management, for example to change your password or confirm your email.

  • your password: your password is scrambled in a way that cannot be reversed (hashed) and stored using current industry-standard security best-practices on our servers. No one from Swift Llama software can see your password - if you lose access to it you must reset it. This is the standard way that passwords are used for log in.

  • device names: when you add a device to your account, the device name is stored on our servers. These device names are stored for the purposes of allowing you to identify which devices are accessing the account - they are not used or processed by Swift Llama Software in any other way.

  • timelines, notes, tags and attachments: any data you store on your drive is synced to your JemDrive cloud storage. Swift Llama Software does not process or analyze this data in any way, it is only accessible to you. It is only accesssed by our server software insofar as necessary to allow syncing it between your devices, maintaining secure backups, or migrating between servers during maintenance upgrades in our storage servers.

You may delete your JemDrive account from within the application, via the settings menu, or by writing to and requesting that your account be deleted. Deleting your account will cause all of your data to be deleted from our servers.

Diagnostic information

  • Application and sync logs: application and sync logs are available inside the JemDrive application. These are not automatically transmitted to Swift Llama Software. If you do choose to share these with Swift Llama Software, for the purposes of identifying a problem with the app or troubleshooting a bug, they will be kept for the minimum amount of time necessary to analyze and address the issue and then deleted from our servers.

Data collected by the Swift Llama Software websites

  • IP addresses, access timestamps, user agent strings: if you access,, or any other Swift Llama Software website, your IP address, access timestamps, and user agent string may be recorded in http server logs. These logs are not analyzed or processed except for diagnosing errors, mitigating attacks and estimating traffic volume. They are kept for a short amount of time before being overwritten, according to current regulation.

  • Cookies:,, and do not use cookies.

  • Counting page views: uses a privately-hosted ackee analytics service to count page views. Ackee is a cookie-less and privacy-respecting analytics service. No personally identifiable data is stored and no cross-device identification is performed. The data is used to estimate traffic volume to our websites.

  • emails for newsletters (with consent): if you choose to subscribe to one of our newsletters, your email will be retained in a mailing list. You can unsubscribe at any time using the unsubscribe link in one of the newsletter emails or at

Accessing, inquiring or removing your personal data from Swift Llama Software servers

If you wish to inquire about or access any of your personal data that stored by Swift Llama Software, please contact us at

If you wish for any or all of this data to be removed, please contact us at the same address:

We will reply promptly and carry out your request, including deleting any and all personal information that you request.

Contacting Swift Llama Software

You may contact Swift Llama Software by writing to